Rwanda: Anne Rwigara, the fierce opponent of Kagame, has died

Kigali, December 29, 2023 (Lomé Actu) – Sad news for the Rwandan opposition. Anne Rwigara, a fierce opponent of Paul Kagame, passed away on Thursday, December 28, after complaining of stomach pains for several days.

Anne Rwigara, sister of Diane Rwigara, had attempted to run for president in Rwanda. She was 41 years old. The cause of her death remains unclear. Anne’s mother was quoted in the media as saying that her daughter’s death was a « mystery » as she was not ill.

Who is Anne Rwigara?

Anne, daughter of prominent Rwandan businessman Assinapol Rwigara, passed away on Thursday in the United States, where she was living.

Anne and her mother, Adeline Rwigara, spent a year in prison in Rwanda for alleged tax evasion and electoral practices.

In May 2017, Anne’s sister, Diane Rwigara, announced her candidacy for the presidential election against President Kagame. The National Electoral Commission later prevented Diane from participating in the election, ruling that the hundreds of signatures she had submitted to validate her candidacy were false.

The Rwanda Revenue Authority subsequently informed the Rwigara family that they owed $6.7 million in taxes.

As a result, the government closed the family business and froze their bank accounts.

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